Yuri Landman - 1991
In Dutch. Instrument builder Landman turns out to also be a graphic novelist! Autobiographical coming-of-age story, situated right after the fall of the Berlin ..(read more)
Publisher: Sherpa / ISBN: 9789089882424
Author: Yuri Landman
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: '90s, Alternative Rock, Comics, Graphic Novel.
Price: €19.91

Yuri Landman Ensemble Featuring Jad Fair & Philippe Petit - That’s Right, Go Cats
Yuri Landman is known as builder of hybrid string instruments as well as 'conventional' guitars for bands like Sonic Youth, Half Japanese, Enon, Lou B..(read more)
Label: Siluh Records / 037
Medium: LP
Category: Records & Tapes.
Tags: Avant-Rock, Guitar, Instrument Builders, Percussion, Spoken Word, Strings, Vinyl.
Price: €14.00